AW: Alpine Umwelten
Referate "Alpenforschung: Wie weiter?" [Tagung der Schweizerischen Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften vom 30. Mai 2007]
Michael Ott, Sein letzter Alleingang: Hermann Buhls Verschwinden im Himalaja [Süddeutsche Zeitung, 27. Juni 2007]
Lake disappears suddenly in Chile: Scientists in Chile are investigating the sudden disappearance of a glacial lake in the south of the country. [BBC News, June 21, 2007]
Thomas Kohler, Felicitas Bachmann, Cordula Ott, Status and Future of Mountain Research: Results of two Surveys by the Research Initiative of the Mountain Partnership, Bern: Centre for Development and Environment 2007
Mountains and the Law: Emerging Trends, Rom: FAO 2006
Managing Mountain Biodiversity for Better Lives, Kathmandu: Mountain Forum 2007
Why a Rocky Mountain Hight? Without Hot Rock, Much of North America Would Be Underwater [University of Utah, June 25, 2007]
Warum Amerika nicht versinkt: Der nordamerikanische Kontinent wäre längst ein Teil des Meeresbodens - wäre da nicht das heiße Gestein in seinem Untergrund. [Süddeutsche Zeitung, 27. Juni 2007]
Tajikistan: Melting glaciers pose growing threat in the Pamirs [IRIN: humanitarian news and analysis, June 25, 2007]
ARGE ALP: Umfassende Beschlüsse für die Zukunft! [Tiroler Landeszeitung, 22. Juni 2007]
Ein Berg schreibt Geschichte: Die Geschichte des Gurtneller Hausbergs in Wort und Bild [Urner Wochenblatt, 23. Juni 2007]
Lizumerhütte feierlich wieder eröffnet [, 27. Juni 2007]
"Mahatma Gandhi der bayerischen Wälder": Bär Bruno ein Jahr tot [Süddeutsche Zeitung, 26. Juni 2007]
Desert Droughts Lead To Earlier Annual Mountain Snow Loss [University of Colorado at Boulder, June 25, 2007]
Wüstenstaub lässt Bergschnee schmelzen: Zunehmende Dürren fördern Staubeintrag und damit Schmelze [scinexx, 27. Juni 2007]
Nickolay Totmjanin: "I free climbed the Everest second step to avoid the crowd" [, June 22, 2007]
Oscar Cadiach's Everest 1985: About true goals, false accusations and short memories [, June 26, 2007]
Alpaufzug auf Strassberg: Von den Walsern im Schanfigg und ihrer Weise, das Vieh zu sömmern [NZZ, 23. Juni 2007]
Highway to Everest: The height of avarice [International Herald Tribune, June 26, 2007]
Tibet activists call for new tactics [Phayul, June 26, 2007]
Case Studies on Climate Change and World Heritage, Paris: UNESCO 2007
Referate "Alpenforschung: Wie weiter?" [Tagung der Schweizerischen Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften vom 30. Mai 2007]
Bernard Lehmann, Das NFP Landschaften und Lebensräume der Alpen: Bilanz und Ergebnisse
Norman Backhaus, Alpensichten: Von der Wahrnehmung zur Handlung (Teil1, Teil 2)
Thomas Scheuer, Mind Map Alpenforschung: Netzwerke und Initiativen für interdisziplinäre Kooperation in der Schweiz
Peter Rieder, Kurzreferat zur Frage: Nach dem NFP 48: was sind die Forschungsfragen der Zukunft für die interdisziplinäre Alpenforschung?
Statement der SAGW zu der Tagung
Axel Borsdorf, Die Zukunft der internationalen Alpenforschung (Teil 1, Teil 2)
Norman Backhaus, Alpensichten: Von der Wahrnehmung zur Handlung (Teil1, Teil 2)
Thomas Scheuer, Mind Map Alpenforschung: Netzwerke und Initiativen für interdisziplinäre Kooperation in der Schweiz
Peter Rieder, Kurzreferat zur Frage: Nach dem NFP 48: was sind die Forschungsfragen der Zukunft für die interdisziplinäre Alpenforschung?
Statement der SAGW zu der Tagung
Axel Borsdorf, Die Zukunft der internationalen Alpenforschung (Teil 1, Teil 2)
Michael Ott, Sein letzter Alleingang: Hermann Buhls Verschwinden im Himalaja [Süddeutsche Zeitung, 27. Juni 2007]
Vor 50 Jahren verschwand der Extrembergsteiger Hermann Buhl im ewigen Eis. Sie werden nicht glauben, wie alt er auf diesem Foto ist - eine Wirkung der Todeszone: Ist Bergsteigen eine unbegreifliche Idiotie?
Chilenischer Gletschersee abgetaucht
Lake disappears suddenly in Chile: Scientists in Chile are investigating the sudden disappearance of a glacial lake in the south of the country. [BBC News, June 21, 2007]
"In March we patrolled the area and everything was normal," said Juan Jose Romero from Chile's National Forestry Corporation, Conaf.
"We went again in May and to our surprise we found that the lake had completely disappeared. All that was left were chunks of ice and an enormous fissure."
"We went again in May and to our surprise we found that the lake had completely disappeared. All that was left were chunks of ice and an enormous fissure."
Thomas Kohler, Felicitas Bachmann, Cordula Ott, Status and Future of Mountain Research: Results of two Surveys by the Research Initiative of the Mountain Partnership, Bern: Centre for Development and Environment 2007
This report contains the results of two e-surveys conducted in 2005 and 2006 on the status and future of mountain research, as it presents itself within the Mountain Partnership.
This publication sets out to identify the emerging trends in mountain legislation. Part I offers a general overview of the main legal instruments applying directly to mountains, first internationally and then domestically. The second part comprises ten short case studies on Algeria, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Russian Federation (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania), Switzerland and Ukraine, which have already enacted specific mountain legislation.
The theme of the current issue of the Mountain Forum Bulletin is the same as the theme of International Mountain Day 2006: "Managing Mountain Biodiversity for Better Lives".
This is an excellent opportunity for us to raise awareness about the need to manage mountain biodiversity in a sustainable manner, to highlight promising models, and to build partnerships at all levels to promote biodiversity management that will reduce poverty, improve livelihoods, and protect mountain environments for us all.
This is an excellent opportunity for us to raise awareness about the need to manage mountain biodiversity in a sustainable manner, to highlight promising models, and to build partnerships at all levels to promote biodiversity management that will reduce poverty, improve livelihoods, and protect mountain environments for us all.
Geologie Amerikas
Why a Rocky Mountain Hight? Without Hot Rock, Much of North America Would Be Underwater [University of Utah, June 25, 2007]
A University of Utah study shows how various regions of North America are kept afloat by heat within Earth's rocky crust, and how much of the continent would sink beneath sea level if not for heat that makes rock buoyant.
Of coastal cities, New York City would sit 1,427 feet under the Atlantic, Boston would be 1,823 feet deep, Miami would reside 2,410 feet undersea, New Orleans would be 2,416 feet underwater and Los Angeles would rest 3,756 feet beneath the Pacific.
Of coastal cities, New York City would sit 1,427 feet under the Atlantic, Boston would be 1,823 feet deep, Miami would reside 2,410 feet undersea, New Orleans would be 2,416 feet underwater and Los Angeles would rest 3,756 feet beneath the Pacific.
Dass der nordamerikanische Kontinent nicht längst im Meer versunken ist, liegt am heißen Gestein in seinem Untergrund. Die Hitze lässt den Kontinent aufquellen wie einen Hefeteig - und hebt ihn über den Meeresspiegel.
Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen Geophysiker, die den Untergrund der USA mit Schallwellen vermessen haben (Journal of Geophysical Research, Bd. 112, S. B06414, 2007). Die Studie zeigt, dass unterirdische Wärme die Gestalt der Erdoberfläche stärker prägt als angenommen.
Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen Geophysiker, die den Untergrund der USA mit Schallwellen vermessen haben (Journal of Geophysical Research, Bd. 112, S. B06414, 2007). Die Studie zeigt, dass unterirdische Wärme die Gestalt der Erdoberfläche stärker prägt als angenommen.
Gletscherschmelze im Pamir
Tajikistan: Melting glaciers pose growing threat in the Pamirs [IRIN: humanitarian news and analysis, June 25, 2007]
The Medvejiy and RGS glaciers are slipping towards Poi Mazor village in the area, about 200km west of Khorog, the provincial capital, local officials say.
Observations in April 2007 indicated that the RGS Glacier moved five metres in only 10 days.
"This is an emergency situation. The Ministry of Emergency Situations is establishing an observation point close to the glacier borders," Gulshod Nasrulloev, deputy head of the provincial emergency department, told IRIN in Khorog.
"But there is no equipment to observe the danger. We put a stick in one point and measure every day the distance from the glacier to that stick. That's how we measure the movement of the glacier," Nasrulloev said.
The danger is that the glacier could block the River Abdulkhahor just 15 metres away, and a glacial lake could be formed. The lake would eventually burst its banks as the glacier melted, experts said – and when the lake bursts it could sweep away 4,600 people and 18 villages.
Observations in April 2007 indicated that the RGS Glacier moved five metres in only 10 days.
"This is an emergency situation. The Ministry of Emergency Situations is establishing an observation point close to the glacier borders," Gulshod Nasrulloev, deputy head of the provincial emergency department, told IRIN in Khorog.
"But there is no equipment to observe the danger. We put a stick in one point and measure every day the distance from the glacier to that stick. That's how we measure the movement of the glacier," Nasrulloev said.
The danger is that the glacier could block the River Abdulkhahor just 15 metres away, and a glacial lake could be formed. The lake would eventually burst its banks as the glacier melted, experts said – and when the lake bursts it could sweep away 4,600 people and 18 villages.
ARGE ALP: Umfassende Beschlüsse für die Zukunft! [Tiroler Landeszeitung, 22. Juni 2007]
Konkret behandelt wurden u.a. die Erhaltung der Wasserressourcen, die Verkehrssituation im Alpenraum, Energiefragen sowie die Bereiche Daseinsvorsorge im Sozialbereich und Ausbau der territorialen Kooperationen.
Verheerende Lawinenniedergänge am Geissberg haben eine lange Geschichte. Jetzt ist die Geschichte dieses Berges in einem Buch festgehalten.
Am Sonntag haben rund 500 Besucher das 95-jährige Bestehen der renovierten Lizumerhütte im Wattental gefeiert. Ein moderner Seminarraum, eine Vorstiegwand und zwei Boulderwände zeichnen die Hütte aus.
"Mahatma Gandhi der bayerischen Wälder": Bär Bruno ein Jahr tot [Süddeutsche Zeitung, 26. Juni 2007]
Braunbär Bruno war der Medienstar des vergangenen Sommers - bis zu seinem Abschuss. Danach gab es Morddrohungen gegen Minister Schnappauf und Streit mit Italien um den toten Bären.
Schneeschmelze durch Wüstenstaub
Desert Droughts Lead To Earlier Annual Mountain Snow Loss [University of Colorado at Boulder, June 25, 2007]
A new study spearheaded by the University of Colorado at Boulder's National Snow and Ice Data Center indicates wind-blown dust from drought-stricken and disturbed lands in the Southwest can shorten the duration of mountain snow cover hundreds of miles away in the Colorado mountains by roughly a month.
Die Wissenschaftler stellten fest, dass in den Jahren mit einer besonders frühen Schneeschmelze mehrfach größere Mengen Staub aus den rund 300 Kilometer entfernten Wüsten Arizonas und New Mexicos in das Berggebiet eingetragen worden war. Diese "Staubdusche" trat immer dann auf, wenn die ohnehin eher trockenen Wüstengebiete von einer längeren Dürre heimgesucht worden waren. Der dunklere Staub bedeckte die weiße Schneedecke und senkte damit deren Albedo, die Reflexion des Sonnenlichts. Dadurch erwärmte sich der Schnee stärker und schmolz früher. Besonders auffällig war dieser Prozess im Jahr 2006, in dem der Schnee acht Mal durch Staub überdeckt worden war. Als Folge schmolz dieser 35 Tage früher als in relativ staubfreien Jahren.
Second Step
Nickolay Totmjanin: "I free climbed the Everest second step to avoid the crowd" [, June 22, 2007]
Our climber Nickolay Totmjanin climbed Everest in spring 2003. It was the big jubilee, and early morning a lot of climbers stood in line on the fixed ropes under the second step (about 20 climbers on each rope!!!). They were on supplementary oxygen though, and could risk standing still for a few hours, waiting their turn to use the ropes and ladders.
Nickolay climbed without oxygen though - so he couldn't wait or he might get frostbites. (By the way, more than hundred climbers got serious frostbites that day. The Russian expedition doctor Dmitry Prjuts overheard radio comms between BC, high camps and climbers below the Second step that day; and treated many of them in BC).
Nickolay, who stood under the Second step, decided to overcome it and the crowd without ropes and ladders. It was the only way to reach the summit without frostbites. So he really climbed free - and many climbers saw it.
Nickolay climbed without oxygen though - so he couldn't wait or he might get frostbites. (By the way, more than hundred climbers got serious frostbites that day. The Russian expedition doctor Dmitry Prjuts overheard radio comms between BC, high camps and climbers below the Second step that day; and treated many of them in BC).
Nickolay, who stood under the Second step, decided to overcome it and the crowd without ropes and ladders. It was the only way to reach the summit without frostbites. So he really climbed free - and many climbers saw it.
"Whether we free-climbed the Second Step or not was no big deal – as long as we topped-out. Nobody asked me for details on the ascent until years later, when the climbing community suddenly became interested in high-altitude free-climbs. All reports AAJ and Hawley have are not mine: I never talked to them about the section, they never asked."
In 1985, Everest north side was a different story. The Catalan expedition's summit was only the fourth ascent of the NE Ridge. The route lay frozen and deserted; as no one had summited Everest through this ridge since Yasuo Kato, 5 years earlier. And before Yasuo, only two Chinese/Tibetan teams had climbed Mallory’s route… back in the seventies.
Moreover, all the previous summiteers had climbed the route in the dry spring season. The Catalans climbed in full monsoon and through loads of snow. By then, there had been only one previous monsoon ascent on Everest’s north side: Reinhold Messner's, who climbed solo in 1980 – but via the north face.
In 1985, Everest north side was a different story. The Catalan expedition's summit was only the fourth ascent of the NE Ridge. The route lay frozen and deserted; as no one had summited Everest through this ridge since Yasuo Kato, 5 years earlier. And before Yasuo, only two Chinese/Tibetan teams had climbed Mallory’s route… back in the seventies.
Moreover, all the previous summiteers had climbed the route in the dry spring season. The Catalans climbed in full monsoon and through loads of snow. By then, there had been only one previous monsoon ascent on Everest’s north side: Reinhold Messner's, who climbed solo in 1980 – but via the north face.
Alpaufzug auf Strassberg: Von den Walsern im Schanfigg und ihrer Weise, das Vieh zu sömmern [NZZ, 23. Juni 2007]
Der Alpmeister teilt den Bauern die zu verrichtenden Arbeiten zu. Es gilt den Melchstand zu überholen, Steine aus den Weiden zu räumen, die Tränkanlage im Stall nach dem Winter wieder herzurichten.
Highway to Everest: The height of avarice [International Herald Tribune, June 26, 2007]
By creating a new level of ease in reaching the base camp and the summit, China is about to turn Mount Everest into the first arena, and profit center, of its Olympic Games.
Activists said they would copy South Africa's anti-apartheid campaign by targeting companies that do business with China, and would use next year's Beijing Olympics to highlight the issue.
Welterbe im Klimawandel
Case Studies on Climate Change and World Heritage, Paris: UNESCO 2007
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre initiated an assessment of the impacts of climate change on World Heritage in 2005, after the World Heritage Committee noted that 'the impacts of climate change are affecting many and are likely to affect many more World Heritage properties, both natural and cultural in the years to come'.