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Vulkan Hudson in Südchile wieder aktiv

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  • Vulkan Hudson in Südchile wieder aktiv

    Der letzte gr. Ausbruch war 1991 vom Vulkan Hudson - jetzt ist er wieder aktiv, was zur Folge haben kann, daß der Flugverkehr und event. auch Busverkehr auf der Careterra Austral zum Erliegen kommt...

    Auszug aus obiger Web-site:
    In August of 1991, barely six months after I visited the Argentine town of Los Antiguos for the first time, Chile’s nearby Volcán Hudson (pictured above, courtesy of the United States Geological Survey) expelled a mass of ash and gases that left large areas of Patagonian farmland and pasture under a layer of volcanic debris. It killed thousands of sheep and cattle that were unable to reach pasture or water, and also affected the fruit crops, particularly cherries, grown in Los Antiguos and nearby Chile Chico. Even today, the effects of Hudson are visible along the southern sector of the Carretera Austral, whose Bosque Inundado (“Sunken Forest”) is a result of the lahars (mudflows) that submerged the area’s native forests.
    Now the 1,905-meter Hudson is at it again. Three days ago, Sernageomin (Chile’s counterpart to the USGS) issued a red alert that includes evacuation of the surrounding area, 137 km southwest of the regional capital of Coyhaique. The area is only thinly populated, so loss of life is unlikely, but Hudson’s last eruption continued for nearly three months. Given the proximity of the Carretera Austral, it’s possible that this could disrupt overland travel during the upcoming tourist season.
    LGr. Pablito